With designs taken in equal parts from the haute couture catwalk and the street style sidewalk, 73% of US consumers have at least one logoed bag, to the tune of nearly $2 billion in sales annually. Often thought of as an extension of one’s personal fashion sense, bags are ubiquitous with all consumers – whether it’s the trend-driven fashionista who craves the latest Gucci, Fendi and Versace “it” bag or the Gen Y entrepreneur who covets his Herschel backpack with its clean, minimalist lines. And the good news for promo bags is that they’ve caught up quick to retail styles, both in shape and substance, with many promo manufacturers carrying high-end brands or creating their own items to mimic fashion lines at a fraction of the cost.
Consider that promotional bags, which studies show are kept for nearly a year, garner nearly 3,500 visual impressions of the message imprinted on the bag – you can’t get a better bang for your advertising buck today. And pulling in an even marketing ROI, 61% of people are likely to pass their branded bags on to a friend or family member after 12 months. For more proof regarding the power of imprinted bags, look to recent statistics that show 50% of consumers are more likely to do business with the advertiser that gave them the bag, and 84% of Baby Boomers report owning a promo bag.
Knowing this, clients such as retirement communities, doctors’ offices, tradeshows, college fairs, book stores, supermarkets – due to the decrease in use of plastic bags – hospitals, conferences and HR departments all gravitate to purchasing bags with their logos embroidered or screen printed on them. With a variety of styles offered through your local Fully Promoted – backpacks (think tech-forward options with solar-charging capabilities for phones and tablets and earbud pockets), laptop cases, leather briefcases, canvas totes – colors, and imprinting methods, promo bags are one of the most appreciated giveaways across all demographics, making it the perfect choice for nearly any promo campaign.
1135 Lansdowne Street West Unit 102
Peterborough, ON K9J 7M2
Call us: 705-772-3698