According to a recent survey, consumers are 50% more likely to do business with an advertiser that gave them a promotional bag. Does that sound like a marketing no brainer? Then Fully Promoted has you covered. Custom computer bags come in a variety of sizes and fabrics, including canvas, leather and vinyl. They can also be embroidered or printed with a logo or message, to increase brand awareness with each impression they receive. Laptop cases are perfect for the smaller devices of today, to help carry tablets, phones, laptops and the variety of peripherals your clients use daily. These custom bags are available with hand and shoulder straps, a variety of expandable pockets, durable fabrics and multiple colors.
A popular trend right now in the promotional world is to imprint your logo on leather or canvas messenger bags. Messenger bags have a large flap over the top and secure near the bottom side of the bag. Once popular with bike messengers in the big cities, the style has now caught on with many commuters. There are plenty of custom branding options for a printed or embroidered logo. This simple promotional item can be seen by many of people every day and help draw attention to a brand.
Promotional bags are kept for an average of 11 months, so custom computer backpacks are sure to raise the brand recognition of any company or organization. Backpacks come in a range of textures, fabrics and sizes to match a brands appeal and needs. Fully Promoted can suggest the perfect backpack that fits the style of your brand, add a company logo and have the backpack do the promoting for you. And with US residents logging a total of nearly 2 billion trips a year, the value of a branded bag is undeniable.
Contact the experts at your local Fully Promoted to discover the best marketing and branding solutions to make your company or organization stand out from the crowd.
1135 Lansdowne Street West Unit 102
Peterborough, ON K9J 7M2
Call us: 705-772-3698