Branded duffel bags are popular items that people love to use. Many have that favorite bag that they bring to the beach, gym or on overnight trips. Did you know that around 8 out of 10 people remember who gave them their promo product? Think about embroidering your company logo on a perfect duffel bag. Since they last so long, your brand can have continued advertising for years to come. The experts at Fully Promoted will help you choose the perfect bag to best represent your brand.
Looking for a quick, inexpensive giveaway for your business or to hand out at trade shows? There are many color combinations and styles available to meet any budget. Smaller bags are perfect for the gym or the pool. These smaller duffels work great for kids too. They can bring their bag to their friend’s house when they sleep over, have a play date or are transporting their portable electronic devices. Fully Promoted can print or embroider your company logo and tagline on any type of duffel bag, so your fans can continually advertise wherever they (or their kids) go.
No matter what size, shape or material, Fully Promoted can help you decide on the best duffel bag for your needs. If you need basic bags with an imprinted logo or top-of-the-line name-brand duffel bags with an embroidered logo, we have you covered. Ask the experts at your local Fully Promoted to help you find the ideal duffel bag for your marketing efforts.
1135 Lansdowne Street West Unit 102
Peterborough, ON K9J 7M2
Call us: 705-772-3698